I purchased a HP Wireless Add your comment to this article You need to be a member to leave a comment. Thanks for this posting so much. If so, how do I get Windows to not reinstall it after boot up? Hello Luvr, I am ready to pull my hair out.
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I opened its Properties window from its context menu, went into the Driver tab, and clicked Update Driver Struggling with getting wireless to work Nov 27, Yes, my password is: Hello Luvr, I am ready to pull my hair out.

Instead of freezing after a few minutes. Since the working driver implements the standard, and does not support any non-standard, proprietary extensions, it will not go beyond 54 Mbps. I experienced the same exact freezing problem that Luvr documented so well in his original post. I dunno why but all the other Atheros drivers simply didn't work right for me.

Since the system would be unstable with drivers that Windows did consider "compatible" with my hardware, I thought, "What the heck!

Select Qualcomm Atheros wireless driver

In my case, there's no point in trying to go beyond the standard Mbps connection speed, since I'm running a mixed-vendor configuration: Join thousands of tech enthusiasts and participate. It now runs rock solid. Well, since both your router and your wireless card are from the same vendor, and they both support Mbps, yes, it will be a matter of finding the right driver one that works if you want to run at the maximum connection speed.

Problem solved It's worth mentioning that the Atheros cards work beautifully when ad5212 good driver's found.

Download selected Qualcomm Atheros wireless driver v7.6.0.224 for AR5004G and Windows XP

I'm even confident enough that I'm typing this very message on this system now! No, create an account now. Since i've installed SP2 wg stopped connecting to my wi-fi router. I joined techspot just to save others a lot of work.

Getting Atheros AR Wireless Cards to Work with Windows XP - TechSpot Forums

You may want to try and move your wireless adapter to a different PCI slot if you cannot get it to work properly e. Another thing, once i put the drivers in, and bootup, do I wait till it fully boots up then put winsows card in?

I will definitely try it out.

Faulty hardware is unlikely, but if all else fails, it can't be ruled out. It eliminated the BSOD errors and my random connection drops.

I downloaded the two driver versions I found there: Thing is that PC is only 10 feet away from the Router One more suggestion, even though it may sound competely ridiculous: Thanks to Iuvr and it's post, my wg works again. Ask a question and give support. Hello I'm using a netgear wg v1 pci wlan adapter based on atheros AR chip. Nothing could make my card work.

Don't you see any devices with the yellow exclamation mark next to them?

Glad that my post helped you - That's aindows I posted it in the first place. Im running XP Serv Pk 3. I tend to agree with them for the most part. Could this be it, the ? Select your Atheros card, right-click, and select 'update driver'.


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